Do you have a passion for solving social challenges to improve lives? Do you want to be part of this global network of changemakers working on local challenges? We are looking forward to Jam with you!
Join us in the third edition of the #GlobalGoalsJam in Copenhagen, where students from KEA Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, Lund University, CPH Business and DTU will join teams in designing actionable interventions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
You are invited to expand your network and learn new design methods, develop and share your ideas in real time with other participants from 75 locations all over the world. Including Kampala, Amman, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Amsterdam and many more.
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?
Connecting Today, Creating Tomorrow
During the 2015 Social GoodSummit, 193 world leaders committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by year 2030. The Global Goals Jam is an initiative of the United Nations Development Program, it seeks to design realistic, actionable interventions for the goals.
Each team will have the opportunity to work on a relevant challenge provided by KEA.
What is the 2019 Global Goals Jam Copenhagen?
The #GlobalGoalsJam is a three-day event consisting of short design sprints. Creative multidisciplinary teams will work together on local challenges, using a tailored design method toolkit provided by the Digital Society School in Amsterdam and KEA. All teams will create interventions aimed at short-term targets in support of the long-term Sustainable Development Goals.
Delicious food will be provided during the event to keep our participants focused and fuelled.
The event will take place the 18th, 19th and 20th of September at KEA, Guldbergsgade 29N, Copenhagen
DAY 1: On Wednesday we begin at 3pm with coffee, cake and a introduction to the Global Goals, the challenges and Jam. We will finish around 4pm
DAY 2: On Thursday we begin at 9am with coffee and and then the work starts. The participants will team-up and start exploring and understanding the topic and then generate ideas to tackle it. By the end of the day, the teams will select one of the many ideas to develop further.
DAY 3: Friday is a hands-on day! The participants can use the MakersLab or equipment form Tech Lounge that could be 3d printers, laser cutters and tons of creative materials to make the concepts tangible. This way you can test your new ideas and plan how they could be implemented. The day ends with a showcase to share the results of the Jam.
The showcase presentation + Meet up is open to the public. You can also invite friends to see you presenting your solutions for a better world!) There will be a professional panel that will judge your work and decide who the winners of The Copenhagen Global Goals Jam 2019 are.